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Junie B. Jones #11: Junie B. Jones is a Beauty Shop Guy

by Barbara Park
Is Junie B. on her way to a great new career, or is she about to have the worst hair day ever? 40 pages, Ages 6-9

Item Number: 1136
Category:Contracted Braille in UEB

Price: $7.50
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Reviews for Junie B. Jones #11: Junie B. Jones is a Beauty Shop Guy
5One of my favorite books in the series is Junie.B.Jones is a Barber Shop Guy. It's about her dad who needs a hair cut. Junie wants to tag along. The trouble begins when they get to the barber shop. Junie sees the barber cut her dad's hair and starts to ask the barber lady all sorts of questions. Later on that day she decides to work on her baby doll's hair, her fuzzy bunny slippers, her dog , and last her own hair. After her mom and dad find out, she has to go back to the barber shop, and has to get a really short haircut.


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