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Out of the Dust

by Karen Hesse
In beautiful, poetic style, fifteen-year-old Billie Jo relates the hardships of living on her family's farm in Oklahoma during the Dust Bowl years. A Newbery Award Winner. 190 pages, Ages 10 & up

Item Number: 1151
Category:Contracted Braille in UEB

Price: $18.50
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Reviews for Out of the Dust
5I am a middle school student and I must admit that I loved this book. I loved it a lot because it was written from a kid's perspective. I never actually heard of "The Dust Bowl" until this book. It seemed so real that I could actually understand what Billie Jo was going through even though I've never been in something so tragic. The form it was in was so unique, nothing like any other. It was in a poem form but at the same time like a diary entry.


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