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Why Me? The Courage to Live

by Deborah Kent
Blind author, Deborah Kent, brings us the riveting story of Chloe Peterson. One minute she was a happy, busy teen. The next, she's in the hospital fighting for her life. 189 pages, Ages 10 & up

Item Number: 1161
Category:Contracted Braille Books in EBAE (the old braille code)

Price: $18.00
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Reviews for Why Me? The Courage to Live
5This book is about a 15-year-old girl named Chloe Peterson. She is a normal teenager. She is very active in drama, until she gets a virus that she can't seem to shake off. She goes to her doctor and is given vitamins for her "stress". Then, she gets a really bad sunburn in the middle of March, and she starts feeling horrible. She ends up fainting at a tryout for "The Sound of Music" and she is taken to the hospital where she is diagnosed with lupus. She has to learn how to live her life with lupus. She learns to cope with a disease that is unpredictable. I learned a lot from this book.


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