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by Jerry Spinelli
Seventh grader John Crash Coogan has always been tough and aggressive, but when he meets an unusual Quaker boy and his grandfather has a stroke, things begin to change! 182 pages, Ages 10 & up

Item Number: 493
Category:Contracted Braille in UEB

Price: $18.00
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Reviews for Crash
5Crash Coogan is befriended by the new school "dweeb" and does everything he can to discourage the friendship that Penn Web so badly wants. Crash insults and humiliates Penn, but Penn keeps coming back. Only when Crash's adored grandfather, Scooter, becomes ill, does Crash find out who his real friends are, and the true meaning of friendship. I am a librarian in an elementary school in New York. I read this book to my 5th grades last year. I have had to buy mulitple copies of the book. One year later I still cannot keep it on the shelf. Jerry Spinelli's works have changed once reluctant readers into avid fans who cannot get enough of his books!


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