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The Missing Tooth

by Joanna Cole
Arlo and Robbie are best friends. They are each missing one tooth. A bet about who will lose the next tooth puts their friendship in danger. 17 pages, Ages 4-8

Item Number: 397
Category:Print-and-Braille Books in Contracted Braille (in UEB)

Price: $7.50
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Reviews for The Missing Tooth
5Two very good friends have problems. They were proud of being the same and having the same tooth missing. But when one loses a second tooth irrational fears and hard feelings spiral into difficulties. It is realistic and honest. They each look for a resolution even though they have hurt feelings. The boys are able to work things out. This is exactly the type of story that helps teach our kids about feelings and social behaviors. They learn better when information is in story form instead of lectures. This is a well written story. I highly recommend it.


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