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Farmer Boy (2 vol.)

by Laura Ingalls Wilder
Almanzo Wilder wishes for only one thing: his very own horse, but Father doesn't trust him yet. How can Almanzo prove himself? 294 pages, Ages 8-12

Item Number: 1222
Category:Contracted Braille in UEB

Price: $20.00
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Reviews for Farmer Boy (2 vol.)
5Farmer Boy, the third book by Laura Ingalls Wilder in her "Little House" series, tells the story of her future husband, the uniquely named Almanzo Wilder. There, Almanzo lives on a farm with his parents and siblings, including Laura's future nemesis (and sister-in-law) Eliza Jane.

Like all the Little House books, it tells us in rich details how life is like just a couple of generations ago. Reading this book, made me realize that, for all the advanced technology we have today, we are not so superior to our forefathers.

Just reading the chapter on Almanzo's mother making candles made me realize that people back then were almost totally self-sufficient.
All that aside, "Farmer Boy", like all the Little House books, is a timeless classic.


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