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The Frog Princess (2 vol.)

by E. D. Baker
Princess Emeralda (a.k.a. Emma) kisses a frog so he might return to being a prince, but somehow the spell is reversed and Emma turns into a frog too. 250 pages, Ages 8-14

Item Number: 1224
Category:Contracted Braille in UEB

Price: $20.00
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Reviews for The Frog Princess (2 vol.)
5If you like fairy tales, and you have a sense of humor, then I've no doubt you will love this book just as much as I did.

Once I started reading this, I just couldn't put it down. It contains romance, humor, adventure, magic, witches, both good and bad, fickle faeries, awesome dragons, and even a bat with agoraphobia.

This is an imaginative retake on the old Frog Prince story. By a strange twist of magic, when the Princess goes to kiss the frog--POOF!--she is also turned into a frog. From then on, the Frog Prince and Princess have to fight to survive in a less than frog-friendly world, and try to regain their former human selves.

The characters in this book are adorable. Princess Emma is hardly your typical princess. She's clumsy and awkward and headstrong, far more at home in the swamp than she was in her castle. Prince Eadric, the frog she kisses, is also far from being a typical prince. He has a healthy sense of witty sarcasm, and an even healthier appetite for food. He's also spent so long asking princesses to kiss him that he's become a little set in his ways, and never gives up asking Emma for a smooch. But he's got a good heart to match those amorous wiles, and courage to spare.

This is a fast paced book that is so good, you'll be sad when it's over.


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