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**From Anna (2 vol.)

by Jean Little
Anna's heart sinks when Papa announces that the family is moving from Germany to Canada. How can she learn English and fit in with her new classmates? 231 pages, Ages 8-12

Item Number: 146
Category:Contracted Braille Books in EBAE (the old braille code)

Price: $19.50
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Reviews for **From Anna (2 vol.)
5The story starts off with a young 9-year-old Anna Solden, nicknamed 'Awkward Anna' by her older siblings. Anna is indeed very clumsy and klutzy, hence the nickname. When she hears her family is moving from Germany to Canada, Anna is devastated. How will she ever cope with the English language. Shortly after her arrival in Canada, Dr Franz Schumacher discovers that Anna has a severe vision disability. Anna receives a pair of glasses, which brings forth a world she never knew. A world where words and letters aren't masses of grey blur. A world where numbers stay on the page and where the everything is clear and bright.

Anna is sent to a special sight-saving class in order to repair the damage done to her eyes. While there, she learns things about herself. She CAN have friends. She IS skilled, and most of all, she gains confidence. Her friends and teacher, Miss Williams, see a whole new Anna developing. A new Anna very different from the old one. And with their help and support, she finally learns to confront her family with secrets that they never knew.

A truly touching and moving story with a very fitting ending.


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