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Judy Moody, M.D.: The Doctor Is In!

by Megan McDonald
Judy is in the mood to be a doctor. She prescribes popsicles and prunes for her brother's tonsillitis, but soon becomes the patient with the same illness. 85 pages, Ages 6-10

Item Number: 1253
Category:Contracted Braille Books in EBAE (the old braille code)

Price: $12.00
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Reviews for Judy Moody, M.D.: The Doctor Is In!
5Judy Moody is a spunky third grader who wants to become a doctor. When Judy finds out she has to do a project for school, she is really happy and wants to do it on Elizabeth Blackwell, first female doctor. While working on the report her brother gets sick and now Judy Moody has her first patient. Judy tries all kinds of ways to make her brother, Stink, feel much better.

The class really liked Judy's report. Next, her friends played a trick on her. When she found out, she was really mad and did not want to talk to them anymore. Now, poor Judy gets sick and has to stay home for twelve days. Luckily, she has good friends who come to her house and help make her feel better.


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