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The City of Ember (2 vol.)

by Jeanne DuPrau
In this stunning sci-fi adventure, friends Lina and Doon try to save their city from darkness. An ALA Notable Book, and a major motion picture. 306 pages, Ages 12 & up

Item Number: 1305
Category:Contracted Braille in UEB

Price: $20.00
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Reviews for The City of Ember (2 vol.)
5I read this book straight through in one sitting, because I simply couldn't put it down. It was quite simply one of the most beautiful stories I've ever read.

Its deceptively simple writing style builds a vivid world around you as you read, and takes you headlong into the story - and promptly embeds the characters inextricably in your heart. The main character, Lina, is as beguiling as they come - spirited, determined, and far, far too nosy. Her friend, Doon, is adorably scowly and moody. Her grandmother is delightfully batty. The mayor of the town is vividly depicted. Characters aren't this book's only strength.

The plot played out almost like a song, lyrical and swaying, full of the stuff of life. I was filled with humor, curiosity, terror, and joy in rapid succession, only to start the cycle again at the next turn of the page - and by the end of the book I must confess I was a bit misty eyed. And, without spoiling anything, I'll say that the last couple of paragraphs filled me with bubbling anticipation, and now I think I'll explode if I don't find out what happens soon!


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