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by Sara Pennypacker
Move over Ramona and Junie B. Jones! Clementine is clever, high-spirited, funny, and never ever dull! 70 pages, Ages 7-10

Item Number: 1351
Category:Contracted Braille in UEB

Price: $10.50
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Reviews for Clementine
5This book is everything you could hope for in a story for children.
Clementine can tell you right from the start when her week started going poorly. It all began when her best friend, Margaret, let Clementine cut her hair in the school bathroom. Margaret has always been jealous of her friend's bouncy red curls, so it makes perfect sense to Clementine to take the strongest red marker she has and color some curls onto Margaret's nearly bald head. That's the kind of kid Clementine is. She's always willing to go the extra mile. For example, she cuts all her own hair off in sympathy with Margaret and gets her own head painted green. Not that these were the only bad things that happened to our heroine this week. Her father, who takes care of the apartment building they live in, is fighting The Great Pigeon War against, what he labels, pigeon splat. And her parents have been planning something in secret that is making Clementine very nervous indeed. It's not easy being the creative one in the family, but this is one gal who's willing to be that person.


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