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The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise (3 vol.)

by Dan Gemeinhart
Coyote and her dad have picked up an assortment of travelers during their journey across country in an old school bus. Their adventures help them deal with loss and life. 417 pages, Ages 8-12

Item Number: 1528
Category:Contracted Braille in UEB

Price: $20.00
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Reviews for The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise (3 vol.)
5I cannot stress enough at how much I loved this book. I read it in one night...and look forward to rereading it all over again.
The character Coyote is on a journey...literally and figuratively with her father, Rodeo.
Without giving away the story, eclectic characters are added on their journey on the school bus that is their home and become interwoven into the mix. All of whom are on their own paths and facing their own struggles.
I cried so much I had to put the book down. But I also laughed so parts of the book that involved the characters of the cat named Ivan (yes, after Katherine Applegate’s beloved character) and a goat.
Thank you to Dan (the author)! Thank you!


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