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Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes

by Eleanor Coerr
Sadako has become a witness for peace in Japan and around the world! 38 pages, Ages 7-11

Item Number: 102
Category:Contracted Braille in UEB

Price: $7.50
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Reviews for Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes
5A teacher used this book in her 7th grade remedial reading classroom because they were learning about Japan. She started off by reading the beginning of a book called Hiroshima which talked about the airplane taking off that had the atomic bomb on it which was destined to be dropped on Hiroshima. She then had the students read Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes. It was a wonderful lesson. I think that the children really learned how the effects of the A bomb lasted for so long. Sadako gets leukemia from the radiation left from the A bomb.

I think it was a wonderful lesson for students to learn what happened to the people of Japan from their viewpoint. I bought this book for my nephew to read, because I think it is so important for children to understand the effects of war from "the other side's" viewpoint. I think that it will help build tolerance and understanding about tough issues such as the effects from the A bomb and what it did to the Japanese people.

I think this is a great book for parents to read to their upper elementary children. It will open up a line of discussion that might otherwise be overlooked.


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