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**Seven Kisses in a Row

by Patricia MacLachlan
When Emma is left in the care of her aunt and uncle, she finds that they have too many rules, so she teaches them some of hers--like: No broccoli, dead or alive! 53 pages, Ages 7-11

Item Number: 453
Category:Contracted Braille Books in EBAE (the old braille code)

Price: $8.75
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Reviews for **Seven Kisses in a Row
5If you liked any of Patricia MacLachlan's books, this one will satisfy you! It's about Emma, who is eight years old. Her father is an "Eyeball Doctor" and has to go to an "Eyeball Meeting" with Emma's mother. This means Emma and her teenage brother need to have Zach's uncle and aunt to come and baby-sit them for a week. This week teaches Aunt Evelyn and Uncle Elliot about being parents, from divided grapefruits to "night rumbles", and it teaches Emma and Zach about "different spokes for different folks". I read this book when I was 11, but my sisters, ages 7 and 6, enjoyed it as a read aloud. I really would recommend it to anyone!! Great book indeed!


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