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The Dragonslayers

by Bruce Coville
All the knights are too frightened to kill the dragon, so the job is left to a young page boy and a willful princess! 105 pages, Ages 8-12

Item Number: 497
Category:Contracted Braille Books in EBAE (the old braille code)

Price: $14.50
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Reviews for The Dragonslayers
5Written for ages 8-12, The Dragonslayers is one of the few kids' books I've read lately that might transcend gender. There's enough action for boys and the character of Willie in the role of heroine ought to appeal to girls. The language is "wrong" for the time period, but absolutely perfect for young readers (lots of "thou"s and "thee"s would only make it hard to read for most kids, so no one will miss them!). The story seems to me to be very tongue-in-cheek, which I think kids will grasp even before adults do. A quick, fun read, as to be expected from any book that begins with the sentence "Do you have the lizard snot?".


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