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The Whipping Boy

by Sid Fleischman
Jemmy, an orphan, is picked to take the Prince's whippings. When they both run away, a tremendous adventure begins! A Newbery Winner! 80 pages, Ages 8-12

Item Number: 173
Category:Contracted Braille in UEB

Price: $11.75
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Reviews for The Whipping Boy
5You'd think being plucked from the street to live in the palace would be a dream come true for an orphan. But Jemmy would disagree. He's be given the job of official whipping boy and is punished every time the prince does something wrong. And there's a reason the prince is called "Prince Brat" behind his back.

Jemmy dreams of running away, but is surprised when the prince announces one night that both of them are running away. Before they know it, the outlaw Hold-Your-Nose Billy has kidnapped them. Can Jemmy keep them both alive and get them back to the castle? Will the oblivious Prince Brat spoil his every plan?

I'd been intrigued by this book for some time, and finally had a chance to read it. The story is quite fun. While I saw the ultimate end coming, there were plenty of fun twists along the way that kept me engaged. And I truly came to care for the characters; I'd love to know what happens to them next.

Kids will love this tale of adventure set in a time long gone, and adults will enjoy sharing it with them.


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