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Adventures in Color: Hailstones and Halibut Bones

by Mary O'Neill
Ms. O'Neill taps all of our senses to explore the world of colors. 27 pages, Ages 7-11

Item Number: 252
Category:Contracted Braille in UEB

Price: $6.25
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Reviews for Adventures in Color: Hailstones and Halibut Bones
5This slim book was originally published in 1961 and by now, we may safely call it a classic. The title is taken from her poem "What is White?" A series of poems each entitled "What Is--- (Green, Gold, Red, Blue, etc.)" describes in ways you have never thought of, what exactly the color is. I have never found the child who was not fascinated by the ideas presented and usually had a few additions of his/her own to add. I always thought this vivid book would bring much pleasure to a blind person who had never "seen" a color. Ms. O'Neill brings the feel, the taste, and the mood of each color to a shimmering life of its own.

5When I was a child, I had a copy of this book. I have no idea how many times I read it, but I never seemed to tire of it, and as a blind person, it was a very helpful book for me because it told me the colors others were seeing, but also gave me different ways these usually-visual things could be experienced. I gave the book away, which seemed like a nice thing to do at the time ... but then I missed having it. Needless to say, when I found it again, I bought a new copy. Braille books take up a lot of space in a small house, but this book will never leave its spot on my shelf. My only wish: It would be neat to have a Braille version in which the pictures were described.


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