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The Tenth Good Thing About Barney

by Judith Viorst
A sensitive story of a boy whose cat, Barney, has died. Making a list of the good things about Barney helps keep the memories alive! 22 pages, Ages 4-7

Item Number: 853
Category:Print-and-Braille Books in Uncontracted Braille (in UEB)

Price: $7.75
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Reviews for The Tenth Good Thing About Barney
5The little boy who is the narrator of this book has just had his pet cat Barney die. He can only think of nine good things about Barney, until the day after the funeral, when he spends the day in the garden with his father. The plot is extremely simple and spare, but the book depicts grief very well, and so we understand just how broken-hearted the little boy is, and how much he loved his cat. The Tenth Good Thing About Barney is an excellent springboard for families of every religious persuasion (including agnostics and atheists) to discuss what they feel happens after we die. The book helps children put into words many questions that they might be too young to articulate, and helps parents answer them for him as best you can. The writing is excellent, and perfectly captures the voice of a young boy. It's a classic book, and belongs in every library.


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