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Dear America: A Light in the Storm

by Karen Hesse
This touching diary of the Civil War years chronicles the life of a young girl in Delaware; a state which was split by the conflict, half holding slaves and half opposed to it. 178 pages, Ages 8-12

Item Number: 687
Category:Contracted Braille Books in EBAE (the old braille code)

Price: $18.00
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Reviews for Dear America: A Light in the Storm
5"A Light in the Storm" is the definitive civil war diary in the series. Young Amelia Martin lives and works in a lighthouse off the coast of the "neutral" state of Delaware, which is neither a slave state nor a free state. As the country is torn by war and succession over the issue of slavery, Amelia's own family is torn apart for the same reasons. Amelia's father is an abolitionist; her mother is staunchly pro-slavery and detests African Americans. Amelia was raised to believe in "Negro inferiority", yet after saving the lives of a shipwrecked family of escaped slaves, she realizes that these people are just as strong, just as intelligent, and just as human as any other person.

As Amelia faithfully tends the lighthouse (saving lives and preventing shipwrecks), she finds comfort and solace in the daily routines of the lighthouse and the certainty she finds within its walls.

Author, Karen Hesse, has written A LIGHT IN THE STORM for the DEAR AMERICA series. Her easy storytelling style makes it a pleasure to read, and the history it reveals is fascinating. After getting to know Amelia, it was interesting to find out in the Epilogue and the historical notes that she remained a lighthouse keeper and was eventually given her own position at a lighthouse off the coast of Maine.


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