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Little House in the Big Woods

by Laura Ingalls Wilder
Kids will love reading about pioneer girl Laura Ingalls and her family, in this warm, affectionate look back at Colonial days. 168 pages, Ages 8-12

Item Number: 726
Category:Contracted Braille in UEB

Price: $17.00
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Reviews for Little House in the Big Woods
5Life is hard living on the frontier of Wisconsin in the 1870's. Laura is only a little girl, but she still needs to help with chores around her family's log cabin. There are wild animals in the woods, and Laura and her family must provide for themselves, since the nearest town is hours away. But it's not all hard work. If Pa's not tired, he might entertain his daughters with a story or by playing his fiddle. With family relatively nearby to visit, life is certainly never dull.

I had not read these books since I was a child until picking this up to reread. I had forgotten how entertaining they really are. There is no real plot, just a collection of stories covering a year in the life of the Ingalls family. This makes sense since they really are an autobiographical work. Still, the simple charm of the stories pulled me right in. I had a hard time putting the book down. There is plenty of detail here to give anyone a good picture of daily life during this time.

There's a reason these books are so well loved 70 years after they were written. They are an entertaining look at everyday life in a different time and place. This is a book to treasure.


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