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**American Girls Collection: Felicity Learns A Lesson

by Valerie Tripp
Felicity is torn between supporting her father's tea boycott, and saving her friendship with a young English girl. 61 pages, Ages 7-11

Item Number: 489
Category:Contracted Braille Books in EBAE (the old braille code)

Price: $9.50
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Reviews for **American Girls Collection: Felicity Learns A Lesson
5Felicity is a young girl in 1774, when her mother decides that it's time for her to start learning the things she will need to know as an adult. Those things don't include the education Felicity wants. She begins to take lessons from Miss Manderly, along with sisters Elizabeth and Annabelle Cole. Elizabeth and Felicity become friends, but Annabelle is a snobby Loyalist and when Felicity's father shows himself to be a Patriot, Felicity finds she has to decide for herself what her beliefs are.

The educational materials at the back of the book are a fantastic addition to an already good book.


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