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Where the Red Fern Grows (2 vol.)

by Wilson Rawls
Billy and his two dogs, Old Dan and Little Ann, made the finest hunting team in Cherokee County.� Glory and victory were coming to them, but sadness awaited them too. 387 pages, Ages 8-12

Item Number: 738
Category:Contracted Braille in UEB

Price: $20.00
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Reviews for Where the Red Fern Grows (2 vol.)
5I am a dog lover, a college teacher, and a retired field grade Army officer. I loved the book, not only for the captivating story, but also for the slice of Americana that it captures and preserves. It is a time capsule of a way of life, of what made this nation great. The breadth, depth, and magnitude of the love, devotion, responsibility, integrity, courage, and tenacity of the characters is awesome. It was a simpler time, when modest, humble, ordinary people were heroes in their own right, but could not imagine being any other way.

5I remember in third grade when my classroom aide read me this book. I loved it then, and I still love it. When I found out that seedlings had made this book in braille, I was so excited. Immediately I ordered it. The story is both happy and sad. The caricters are one's you'll find your self cheering for, and reading until the last page is finished.


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