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Sharks The Perfect Predators

by Howard Hall
36 pages, Ages 8-12

Item Number: 547
Category:Contracted Braille in UEB

Price: $7.00
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Reviews for Sharks The Perfect Predators
5This is a wonderful introduction to sharks for young readers. Howard Hall discusses the different types of sharks, how their feeding habits are reflected in their size and shape, how they see, swim, and locate prey. I was surprised to read that they can actually dislocate their jaws and thrust them forward past the end of their noses to bite their prey - and this happens so fast that it can only be seen on film in slow motion. Hall explains why the sharks close their eyes before the attack, that their eyes are so sensitive that they can see in near-darkness, and many other fascinating facts. Although the author uses some advanced terminology such as "ovoviviparity, heterocercal tail, Ampullae of Lorenzini", etc, all words are well explained within the text and in a special glossary. It's a book worth having.


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