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**Caddie Woodlawn (2 vol.)

by Carol Ryrie Brink
This award-winning book chronicles the adventures of eleven-year-old Caddie growing up with her six brothers and sisters on the Wisconsin frontier. A Newbery Award Winner. 265 pages, Ages 8-12

Item Number: 747
Category:Contracted Braille Books in EBAE (the old braille code)

Price: $20.00
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Reviews for **Caddie Woodlawn (2 vol.)
5The most remarkable thing about the book Caddie Woodlawn is that it is a true story! The real-live person named Caddie Woodlawn was 82 when the book was published by her grand-daughter in 1935. By writing down the stories told to her as a child, Carol Ryrie Brink captures her grandmother's life as a girl growing up on the Wisconsin frontier in the 1860's. Caddie Woodlawn is a tomboy and likes nothing better than to go on adventures with her brothers, Tom and Warren. She comes from a large pioneer family of seven children. Her older sister, Clara, is always acting more lady-like than she, and her younger sister, Hetty, is always tattling on her. Caddie has a fierce independent streak. Discover what life was like on the frontier as you accompany Caddie to school, and on visits to the neighboring Indian village. The book reveals the often tense relations between Native Americans and the European settlers. Because of her friendship with Indian John, Caddie alone is able to restore peace to her settlement by taking action before the frightenend white settlers attack the Indians. By the book's end, Caddie's refined cousin, Annabelle, comes from Boston, and Caddie, the tomboy, learns that maybe a few lady-like activities, such as quilting, aren't so bad after all. Any teen today will look up to Caddie for her self-confidence and bravery, and see their own rites of passage reflected in Caddie's experiences.


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