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Esperanza Rising (2 vol.)

by Pam Munoz Ryan
This is an exciting, well-written historical novel that tells of a Mexican girl's fall from riches and her immigration to California. 231 pages, Ages 10 & up

Item Number: 795
Category:Contracted Braille in UEB

Price: $19.50
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Reviews for Esperanza Rising (2 vol.)
5Esperanza Rising is a great story about a girl who believed that her life would be wonderful forever. She would always live on her family's ranch in Mexico. She would always have fancy dresses and a beautiful home filled with servants. Papa and Abuelita would always be with her.
But a sudden tragedy shatters her world and forces Esperanza and Mama to flee to California, where they settle in a camp for Mexican farm workers. Esperanza isn't ready for the hard labor, financial struggles brought on by the Great Depression, and lack of acceptance she now faces. When Mama gets sick, and a strike for better working conditions threatens to uproot their new life, Esperanza must find a way to rise above her difficult circumstance. Mama's life and her own depend on it.
The day before Esperanza's birthday her father was really late for dinner. Her mother send their servants to look for her father. When they come back they told Esperanza's mother that he died. Poor people killed him. Esperanza couldn't believe it. She lost only one person that she could trust. She knew after her father died everything would be different. Her mother and her couldn't stay in their house any more, because in Mexico woman couldn't own the ranch. The ranch and house will be Esperanza's uncle. Esperanza needed to learn how to clean, cook, and work really hard.
Esperanza Rising is a great story.


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