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by Lois Lowry
Matty, a young member of a utopian community that values honesty, conceals an emerging healing power that he cannot explain or understand. 188 pages, Ages 12 & up

Item Number: 1041
Category:Contracted Braille in UEB

Price: $18.00
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Reviews for Messenger
5With this book, Lois Lowry finishes her thought-provoking trilogy of "Giver", "Gathering Blue", and "Messenger." In this last book all of the characters unite to face the sinister force that takes over the village and affects the forest.

Matty has been traveling back and forth through the forest to deliver messages. But the forest is changing, taking on a dark side. It's not the same village anymore. It no longer welcomes the newcomers. The village people vote to build a wall to keep the newcomers out.
Matty is changing as well. His change is new to him. He feels the healing power grow within him, the power he is not completely aware of yet. The boy decides to set on his last quest through the dark forest to bring Kira, the Seer's daughter, home before the villagers finish building the wall. His trip trough the hostile forest turns out to be a life-threatening experience for both of them, and a price must be paid.

"Messenger" is a book about the utopia gone wrong. It's full of powerful metaphors that blend in with a great work of fiction.

5It's not often that an author is able to deliver a third book in a series that is as captivating and thought-provoking as the first two. Yet Lowry does it with "The Messenger". It can be read alone, but for maximum effect, I encourage everyone to read "The Giver" and "Gathering Blue" first before plunging into this particular corner of Lowry's world. In it, the insidious poison of greed and dissatisfaction is given a physical form. The final scenes were so powerful that I was torn between wishing they would never end and begging the author to let me up for air.


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