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**The Secret of Platform 13 (2 vol.)

by Eva Ibbotson
To rescue a young prince, Odge Gribble and his troupe travel from their magical island to London through a tunnel that only opens for 9 days every 9 years. 230 pages, Ages 8-12

Item Number: 1046
Category:Contracted Braille Books in EBAE (the old braille code)

Price: $19.50
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Reviews for **The Secret of Platform 13 (2 vol.)
5This book is really good. The main story plot is a group of magical creatures trying to save a former prince of their country from the real world. The only problem is, the former prince is a spoiled brat. These creatures have all kinds of funny adventures and think up all these weird ways to try and rescue the prince. Most of them are really wacky like dancing out of a giant cake and then grabbing the prince. (That one didn't work) It is a really good Harry Potter alternative.


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