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A Year Down Yonder

by Richard Peck
In this sequel to "A Long Way from Chicago," Mary Alice and her grandma return for more laugh-out-loud adventures. A Newbery Award Winner! 160 pages, Ages 9-12

Item Number: 1050
Category:Contracted Braille in UEB

Price: $17.00
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Reviews for A Year Down Yonder
5This book is deserving of the Newbery award. The narrator is a 15 year old girl who is sent from Chicago to live with her grandmother in a rural town during the depression. We quickly come to appreciate the comic aspects of small-town life, but most especially we enjoy the wily ways of the grandmother, who is nobody's fool and mischievous to boot. At the same time, we admire her toughness and the warm heart behind the hard exterior. Each chapter is an amusing anecdote all its own, as we follow the town through a year from fall to summer. Small town incidents like Halloween pranks, Christmas plays, ladies' luncheons, and big storms become masterfully funny stories. Moments of this coming-of-age story are genuinely touching, while mirth prevails throughout. You will have a great time reading this one.


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