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The Princess Tales: The Princess Test

by Gail Carson Levine
In this humorous retelling of "The Princess and the Pea," Lorelei must pass many difficult tests to prove that she is a true princess. 57 pages, Ages 7-11

Item Number: 1091
Category:Contracted Braille Books in EBAE (the old braille code)

Price: $9.25
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Reviews for The Princess Tales: The Princess Test
5This book is a classic fairy-tale story about an ordinary girl who is beautiful and kind. When she offers to clean the dishes, she gets a rash from the soapy water. Her father is a very busy widower who hires a housekeeper to help around the house, since his fragile daughter can't do anything except embroider and say if her bandage is too tight or too loose-- perfection is everything for her. Meanwhile, Prince Nicholas has to find a "true princess". Thus, any princess hoping to be queen shall take the princess test. The two stories collide when Prince Nicholas rides by Lorelei, the main character, and finds that she looks pretty from a distance. As he gets closer, he realizes that she is still pretty. Not a raving pretty, but definitely pretty." He suddenly likes her in a loving way just by her beauty. When he comes home to his castle, his mother and father, the King and Queen, tell him about the princess test and he wonders if Lorelei could pass the test.


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