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Beezus and Ramona

by Beverly Cleary
Here's outrageous Ramona again--at her worst and funniest yet. Her big sister, Beezus, isn't amused at all, though, when Ramona ruins her birthday party! 121 pages, Ages 7-11

Item Number: 405
Category:Contracted Braille in UEB

Price: $14.50
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Reviews for Beezus and Ramona
5Ramona is more exuberant in this book than in any of the others we've read. Her antics are hilarious. Seeing everything through the eyes of her serious sister does not make it one bit less funny.

This is not just a funny book. It deals gently and honestly with the difficulty Beezus has in loving her sometimes exasperating little sister. I don't think anyone has ever come close to Beverly Cleary's ability to capture and sympathize with children's feelings. Cleary brings everything around to a happy, but entirely believable ending in this warm, wise book.


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