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Upchuck and the Rotten Willy

by Bill Wallace
Upchuck is a cat who prefers to be called Chuck. He never thought he could be friends with a dog, until the night he fell off a fence, right into Rotten Willy's yard. 94 pages, Ages 8-12

Item Number: 1120
Category:Contracted Braille Books in EBAE (the old braille code)

Price: $12.75
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Reviews for Upchuck and the Rotten Willy
5This is a story about how a cat and a dog can be friends. Upchuck is the cat and Rotten Willy is the dog. When Upchuck's friend moves away and his Katie goes to some place called College, he becomes lonely. So the only one to play with is Rotten Willy, a Rottweiler, "As big as a car and as black as death itself," but can he trust him to be his friend and not another stupid dog wanting to bite off his head and eat him for lunch?

If you want to find out, then you will have to read the book! It warmed my heart, and made me laugh. If you like books about animals and like to laugh, then this book is for you!


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