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The Wind in the Willows

by retold from Kenneth Grahame
A simplified retelling of a wonderful classic. 96 pages, Ages 7-9

Item Number: 1179
Category:Contracted Braille in UEB

Price: $13.00
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Reviews for The Wind in the Willows
5Wind in the Willows is a longtime favorite of many people. I just re-read it as an adult. The story centers around the animal citizens of an English riverbank. Each animal has a different personality from easy-going Mole to the wise ,Badger, to the spoiling-for-a-fight Weasels and, of course, boastful Toad, the owner of splendid Toad Hall who has too much money and too little sense to know what to do with it. The education of Toad by his well-meaning friends is a good lesson. The battle for Toad Hall near the end of the book is also exciting.

The content is entirely suitable for kids. The prose is a pleasure to read out loud and creates such pictures in one's imagination. And it's funny, too! The scene where Toad is nearly struck down by a car, which he has never seen before, and decides he MUST have one is absolutely hysterical.

If you are starting a reading-out-loud program at home, this should be at the top of your list. I'd also add Swiss Family Robinson to that list. I have wonderful memories of my teachers and parents reading these books to me. Why not give your kids the same lasting delight in good literature, reading and family fun.


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