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Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle

by Betty MacDonald
Patsy hates baths. Robert never puts things away. Allen eats v-e-r-y slowly. And the lovable Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle has a cure for them all! (See also: Hello, Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle.) 114 pages, Ages 7-11

Item Number: 216
Category:Contracted Braille in UEB

Price: $14.50
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Reviews for Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle
5Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle is the neighbor everyone wishes they had. She's the widow of a pirate and lives in an upside down house. She is always ready for a tea party with freshly baked cookies. She's such an expert on kids that parents have started calling on her wisdom to cure their kids when they start misbehaving. And whether it's making chores into a game or getting kids to take a bath, she's sure to have the answer to make everyone happy again.

I loved these books as a kid, and this book is just as fun now. The stories fall into a predictable pattern, but that hardly diminishes their enjoyment. Each chapter is a self-contained story, so it's easy to read just a little bit at a time.


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