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The Giver (2 vol.)

by Lois Lowry
In Jonas's world, there is no war or fear or pain. There are no choices. But when he turns twelve, Jonas is singled out to receive special training from The Giver. A Newbery Medal winner and ALA Best Book for Young Adults. 229 pages, Ages 12-14

Item Number: 470
Category:Contracted Braille in UEB

Price: $19.00
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Reviews for The Giver (2 vol.)
The Giver is a wonderful book. Lois Lowry skillfully crafted an intriguing and profoundly thoughtful story. She subtly creates an uneasy feeling that something is wrong with this "perfect world." The Community's advisors intend to establish security within utopian society, but they really establish a stifling dystopia. To protect people from the risks of making poor or wrong decisions in life, the advisors plan and dictate the lives of the people. In effect, the citizens have no freedom of choice; they do not choose their job or even their spouse. Moreover, the advisors inhibit the people's ability to feel because they want to spare them from the hardships and pain of life. For instance, individuals must take a pill everyday, which suppresses passionate feelings. The citizens do not know or experience true emotions like love. One of the goals of the Community is to achieve "sameness" so that no one feels embarrassed or gets excluded for being different. However, this limits individuality and freedom of expression because everyone conforms to a certain desired image. Finally, to relieve the population of the horrors and devastation of the world and the past, the advisors isolate the Community from the rest of the world (also known as "Elsewhere) and give the burden of holding the memories of the past to a single member of society: the "Receiver." Therefore, the Community lives only in the present, and the people have a narrow perspective of life, because they only know their community and way of life. They are naive; they do not gain knowledge or wisdom from the memories. While receiving the memories, Jonas learns a different and better way to live and realizes what he and the Community have been missing. He decides that something must be done to change the current conditions and enlighten his community.

5I see so much of our own current world in Lowry's portrait. There are pills for everything. Language has become so careful since we have been told we should be afraid of the possibility that someone might get offended by our words. When Jonas discovers something is different about him, he is naturally both curious and afraid. When he begins to see the nasty things that go on underneath the smooth, seemingly untroubled surface of his society, he decides he can't continue living in a world like his. "The Giver" is uplifting and heart-breaking by turns, and it deserves every award and accolade it ever got.


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