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Nate the Great and the Snowy Trail

by Marjorie W. Sharmat
An easy to read mystery starring Nate the Great, super sleuth, and his faithful dog, Sludge! A Reading Rainbow Book. 37 pages, Ages 4-8

Item Number: 318
Category:Print-and-Braille Books in Contracted Braille (in UEB)

Price: $9.25
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Reviews for Nate the Great and the Snowy Trail
5Rosamond's present slid off of her sled. Nate the Great walked to her house and noticed that there were 6 cartons of milk on the table. Rosamond had only 4 cats and each cat drank a single bottle of milk. What could the other 2 bottles be for? Nate followed the tracks from Rosamond's sled in the snow. This led him to a tree by the tracks. He looked up into the tree and found his present, a cat named Super-Duper Hex. You will enjoy this book if you like Nate the Great. I liked it because it was a tricky mystery to solve.


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