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**Night Journeys

by Avi
The year is 1768 and Peter is faced with a very difficult choice when he comes across two runaway indentured servants. Should he turn them in for the reward or help them flee and run away with them? 150 pages, Ages 8-12

Item Number: 698
Category:Contracted Braille Books in EBAE (the old braille code)

Price: $17.00
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Reviews for **Night Journeys
4The setting is before the revolution in Philadelphia. This is the story of young Peter, orphaned and then adopted - for reasons he does not understand - by a Quaker family. He does not understand their ways: their non-violent approach and the deep reflections on what he thinks are simple everyday things. When a runaway indentured servant is found by the Quaker farmer, Peter cannot understand why this man is willing to turn her over to those who pursue her and will bring her back to a life that seems unfair. She escapes, but her 10 year old friend is captured, and Peter must answer his own calling. In the end, he and his adopted father come to understand and appreciate each other. The(adoptive) Quaker father is sorely misunderstood by Peter, but also has to face some of his own short-comings. Peter also has to stop running, and listen more intently to others.


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