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picture of The Very Hungry Caterpillar

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

by Eric Carle
This book is considered a must for every toddler's library. It helps preschoolers learn the days of the week, how to count, and how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly! 24 cardboard pages, Ages 1-5

Item Number: 893
Category:Print-Braille-and-Picture Books in Contracted Braille (in UEB)

Price: $9.00
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Reviews for The Very Hungry Caterpillar
5This book is a classic children's book, which I enjoyed reading as a child. It combines learning about days of the week, numbers, names for foods, and best of all a brilliant story which begs to be read and reread.

5This is a great book and is always a favorite!

5This has always been one of my favorite books. I think as a blind kid the holes to all the things that had been ate were quite enticing. Now as a blind adult I hadn't owned this book because I could never remember the order of the items and didn't want to tell the story wrong, but now that this is in our collection I can share my love of this book with my kids, and they know the basic story already, since it was a book at grandparents houses, and so they read it with me now.


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